Amin Rais Came to Tasikmalaya

Amin Rais came to Tasikmalaya on Saturday, January 31st, 2009.That was not his first time for Amin Rais, a prominent figure in birocracy reformation in Indonesia, to come to Tasikmalaya. I had seen him several times here, and it was the newest coming in early 2009. He was only one hour in a new Muhammadiyah Mosque, Al-Manar, because he would continue his trip to Garut for an important agenda.

The crowd had been waiting for more than two hours in that mosque. Amin Rais who was scheduled to come at 1 pm was late because there was a meeting with the Mayor before. Finally he arrived at 2.15 to pm. Everybody wanted to shake his hands, but not everyone were lucky.

After a few welcoming speech from the leader of Tasikmalaya Muhammadiyah Organization, he began to talk. And here are some important points of his speech:

1. We have to thank God, because Muhammadiyah is almost 100 years (now is 99 years).
Muhammadiyah won’t be dissapeared as long as it gives benefits for human being.

2. Moslems must improve human resources, advanced technology, and science to be the leader of the civilization.
Iran and Pakistan are the examples of technology, while Iraq and Saudi Arabia have shown their quality in sports (football). He believes that the other Islamic country can be better and better.

3. Even Muhammadiyah emphasizes its programmes in education, health facility, and youth development, but don’t forget about politics.
Be careful in the next general election, especially those with “come and go” strategy. Muhammadiyah is a big Islamic organization, everyone will try to be close to gain the vote. Choose the best leader, choose someone who is faithful.
4. Get ready for the next Muktamar in Yogyakarta.

5. Be careful for Islamic phobia in Indonesia.
Moslems must be reunite to overcome those who try to destroy Islam, especially from the inside. They are “hired” and have already brain washed so that they are afraid of their own religion. Na’udzubillah. Thus, every moslems must be prepared for this.

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